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Assets of a Furniture Wholesaler including 2 Heli Forklift Trucks and Furniture Stock
Venue address
Rowico UK Limited
1 Porte Marsh Road
SN11 9BW
United Kingdom
Assets of a Furniture Wholesaler including 2 Heli Forklift Trucks and Furniture Stock

By Order of the Joint Administrators of Rowico UK Limited - Collection Tuesday 25 April and Wednesday 26 April 2023, Strictly By Appointment

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 05, 2023 12:40 PM BST
Ends from: Apr 21, 2023 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Apr 20, 2023 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 167 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
BT Hand hydraulic pallet truck, and steel tubular
4 x Bays of assorted boltless pallet racking (Appr
3 x Bays of Link 51M pallet racking (Approx. 5m he
4 x Bays of pallet racking (Approx. 4m height) Ple
8 x Bays of assorted Link 51M pallet racking (Appr
8 x Bays of assorted Link 51M pallet racking (Appr
18 x Bays of assorted Link 51M pallet racking (App
20 x Assorted crossbeams